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Mitzvah Campaign

Mitzvot is the birthright and privilege of every Jew, and there is no Jew for whom they are foreign.

Every day, Lubavitch of Wisconsin provides the means for Jews from every background to fulfill a mitzvah, a moment of Jewish connection.

Lighting a Shabbat candle, putting on Tefillin, affixing a mezuzah; each mitzvah is a spark that ignites the soul and fuels the spirit.

If you need assistance fulfilling a mitzvah, please contact us by completing the form below. We're here to help!




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More About The Mitzvot

About Mitzvot

Shabbat Candles

We light candles every Friday evening and on the eve of Jewish holidays. The candles bring peace into our homes, and add light and warmth to the world.


The Torah commands Jewish men to bind tefillin onto their head and upper arm every weekday. Tefillin is an incredibly powerful mitzvah.



A mezuzah mounted on the right side of the doorpost reminds us of our heritage and invites G-d's watchful care over the home. 



The laws of kosher define foods that are fit for consumption for a Jew. This includes which animals are consumed, how food is prepared, and more.



The Mikvah is a pool of water used to affect purity. It's used by a woman as part of the niddah cycle before she is reunited with her husband. 


Torah Study

A Jew is always studying Torah. Daily Torah reflection allows us to connect to G‑d through studying His wisdom.



Literally translated as “justice” or “righteousness,” tzedakah tells us that sharing what we have with others is the honest and just thing to do.


Jewish Education

Jewish education sustains our people. Jewish education prepares children to be learned, compassionate, and inspired bearers of our tradition.


Letter in the Torah

The Jewish nation is like one Torah scroll. if any letter is missing or incomplete, the whole scroll is invalid for use.


Jewish Books

Filling your home with holy books connects you to your heritage and birthright and serves as a source of blessing and Jewish spirit.

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Ahavat Yisroel

The Torah commands us to "Love your fellow as yourself." Since G‑d loves every one of us, love of one's fellow is a greatest show of love for Him.

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Two of the most fundamental tenets of the Jewish faith are the belief in the ultimate redemption and that the dead will be resurrected at that time.

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