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Pillars of Support

“Each individual has the capacity to build communities and endow communities with life. So that every community member becomes a source of inspiration.”

— The Lubavitcher Rebbe

We are forever grateful to each and every supporter whose steadfast partnership has allowed us to create a strong and vibrant presence throughout Wisconsin. Together, we have built a warm and welcoming space that promotes Torah and Mitzvos - Jewish life, Jewish learning, Jewish practice, Jewish values, and Jewish community that celebrates the richness of our people and faith. Your contribution has been instrumental in creating this vibrant community. Thank you!

While our Shluchim and Shluchos may be the visible ones on the front lines, the true partnership of the individuals and organizations represented here, serve as the foundation upon which our achievements rest. A tree is only as strong as its roots, and our organization is deeply nourished and supported by your generosity and love, enabling us to grow and flourish today and into the future.


The positive impact on our community is a reflection of the extraordinary individuals and organizations that stand with us and of the symbiotic relationship between Lubavitch and its cherished partners. Their vision and unwavering support have left an indelible mark on countless lives, even beyond what they might realize. Their legacy is etched into the heart of our community, fueling a future filled with promise and connection. Thank you to our pillars whose vision and support is permanently engraved in the lives of so many.

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