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Teen Programming

There is power in youth and the teen years can be transformed into a time of purpose, meaning, and self-discovery. Our Teen programs harness the incredible potential of teenagers by bringing them together to give back to their communities and the environment.

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The CTeen mission is to provide a nurturing environment where teens can learn about themselves through giving to others, identify with individuals who share the same faith, and be part of a group that focuses on building core values and stresses positive character development.

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CTeen House

The CTeen House offers a safe and welcoming gathering space for Jewish teens to learn, socialize, and cook / enjoy kosher food. 

It's a hub where they can be themselves today while exploring who they want to be tomorrow.



Through interactive and educational events, UMatter helps teens and adults shatter the stigmas surrounding mental-health while creating an atmosphere of inclusion.

We cultivate an environment of safety while emphasizing the strength in seeking help.



A unique volunteer opportunity for teens to connect with children with disabilities to play, learn and have fun in a comfortable environment for the child.

It's a step toward building a lasting relationship between two friends who may not have met otherwise!

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